Monday, July 7, 2008

Kate The Great Graduates!
We were so happy for Kate's graduation! Best of all were her cool shoes!
This is truly a girl with California heritage!

Marshall Jacob Andrew

Star Wars Sleepover

Swimming in the Galaxy Pool:
Blaster Rifles and Imperial Droids
Light Sabers
Pod Racer
Star Wars to Sleep
Space Snacks:
Asteroid Belt Popcorn
Space Pops
Space Rings
Meteor Shower (outside)
Glowing Space Balls
Planets through the Black Hole
Space Pods with Spicy Sabers
Yoda Soda
Star Wars Drawing Pages
Flying Saucers
One Eyed Martians

Our Newly Initiated Jedi Warrior

The Fearless, yet Giggly, Atticus


Kirsten said...

I'm glad you've recovered from your roof-phobic trauma. Also I think Atticus has got some pretty cute Jedi footsteps to follow in.

Christine said...

This is the cutest idea ever! I love the Staw Wars cousin sleep over. I wish we could have been there. Miss you. Love you!

Nikki said...

Marshall had so much fun! He's still talking about it.